Op Ed: Tennessee Rep. Wants to Print “Sex Offender” in Red on Every Sex Offender’s Driver’s License

Matthew Hill, a Tennessee state representative who ran for office with an image of a fetus on his campaign fliers, has entertained the notion that Barack Obama was not born in the United States, and previously proposed legislation to force Tennesseans to exclusively speak English while at work, has got another bright idea.

Hill is sponsoring a bill that would print the words sex offender—in three places, and in red lettering—on the driver’s licenses of everyone listed on the sex-offender registry in the state. Hill says that he was moved to support the legislation after a constituent raised the specter of sex offenders dropping into schools and day cares and scooping up their children, though he admits he’s never heard of such a thing happening. He added that the law could also come in handy at “malls, grocery stores, retail outlets—all kinds of places where children are.” Full Op Ed Piece

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I wish I could ask the jerk who is sponsoring this bill just HOW writing sex offender on a driver’s license would keep anyone safe!!!

Be sure to read the final paragraph of this article. This writer speaks truth and logic, not lies, myths, and hysteria!

Hi margaret moon:

It won’t keep anyone safe. This man is willing to publicly humiliate all the SO’s in that state to make his self look good. All while wasting money. It’s the same thing the Nazi’s did to Jew’s. In the 30s the Jew’s had to have a J stamped on their passports in three places, and later they were forced to wear a star of David. I don’t know where these lesser men come from. They may have been born in America, They may have went to school here too. But their actions are very un American.

You should look up the Nuremberg laws. They were written by the Nazi’s to oppress the German Jew’s and exclude them from society. I think you will be shocked (as I was) at the similarities and outright parallels to the “sex offender” laws in place here.

I think this is a wonderful idea. I mean, this will now tack on another law in addition to posting the photos/addresses of sex offenders for all to see, prevent them from visiting parks/beaches, require them to report to the police department when they travel, not post a myspace/or facebook, not decorate their home during Halloween, not visit public libraries, live next to schools ect and now they want to put sex offender on someone’s license so everytime they are stopped they will be harassed? Or, perhaps this will now be a reason to not buy a new car, go to the bank, not get a job, married, fill out a credit card application and perhaps put their whole family in danger? Wouldn’t a tatoo be easier?